Retrieves all ticket statuses

Permissions Required: None


idintThe status ID
textColorstringThe status color, in hex
defaultActionsarray of stringarray containing 0 or more of the following:
- IsNewTicketStatus
- IsCustomerReplyStatus
- IsStaffReopenedStatus
- IsClosed
- IsClosedByClient
- IsStaffClosedOption
- LockedTicketStatus
- IsAutocloseOption
- IsDefaultStaffReplyStatus
closablestringDetermines whether or not status can close the ticket. Will be one of the following:
- "yes"
- "no"
- "conly" -- customers only
- "sonly" -- staff only
sortintThe sort value if not using user-defined order. Statuses should be sorted from lowest value to highest.
localizedNamesassociative array / mapList of languages to their display value